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    Take this job and LOVE it!

    Date: October 20, 2016, 8:00am – 12:00pm
    SHRM of Great Falls
    Great Falls Holiday Inn
    SHRM members – local and/or national - $40 Non-SHRM members - $50 2 or more attending from the same company - $10 off each attendee
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    Take this job and LOVE it!

    Create a workplace culture that excites and engages employees at every level

    Presented by Karen McNenny

    Protect your business from getting sucked into the current trends of scarcity thinking and isolating behavior. This disengagement will drain the energy from the workplace and restrict the potential of your mission. Discover what breathes life into a workplace and how to enlist everyone in the process of creating a great place to work.

    Karen will introduce the four key pillars of creating a healthy workplace Community—Curiosity, Unity, Responsibility, Engagement. These pillars are relevant, as each person becomes a contributing member of the workplace. We will also identify what current systems and workplace norms may be hindering your organization.

    Deep within all of us lies a yearning to be a valued member of a thriving community. We are not meant to work alone, succeed alone or suffer alone. To connect with one another in meaningful ways is precisely how we improve productivity, engagement and personal fulfillment.

    Karen McNenny is the founder of Made You Think Consulting and works throughout the country as a professional speaker, group facilitator and personal coach. She is skilled at developing confident and effective leaders who in turn are able to create a high-¬functioning, healthy work environment for happy, engaged employees. Not only will she educate and inspire, Karen will MAKE YOU THINK.


    SHRM members – local and/or national - $40

    Non-SHRM members - $50

    2 or more attending from the same company - $10 off each attendee

    Pre-register via e-mail to Brenda Funderburk Payment can be made via check made payable to SHRM of Great Falls OR credit card at the day of the training