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Event Details

    Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations

    Date: November 12, 2015, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    John Pavao
    C.M. Russell Museum 400 13th St N.
    $30.00 for non members includes lunch. $15.00 for members lunch if not already paid
    Event Type:
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    Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations

    Upon completion of this one-hour session, participants will:

    * Recognize when to conduct an investigation

    * Understand skills needed to conduct an investigation

    * Know how to plan for an investigation

    *Identify various stages of an investigation

    *Discribe elements of effective interview quesitons

    * Explain strategies for conducting effective interviews

    * Summarize the essential elements of the final investigative report

    * Discribe important steps to take following an investigation